Mobile Tech and Advertising Options Grow

July 7, 2010

This summer has featured the release of the iPhone 4 and a wave of new Android phones. Bruce examines the mobile marketplace and mobile ad platforms including Google, Apple iAd, the upcoming Windows Phone 7 and the fierce mobile advertising battle likely to come.

Michael Martin
Mobile technology and marketing specialist Michael Martin then talks to Virginia about the changing mobile market, the options available to consumers and the opportunities opening up for marketers. The growing number of smartphone manufacturers is pushing mobile technology forward, giving strength to the marketplace. Advertisers are also able to benefit from the range of competitive ad solutions. And new technologies like location services are opening doors for advertisers to reach consumers in engaging ways.

Jessica, Susan and Virginia then critique a number of popular services which have undergone redesigns recently. Flickr’s overhaul highlights a photo’s capture location, improves the navigation and helps tell a story. Google Voice is now available to everyone, but it’s important for businesses to remember that the free service has no support. And Bing’s full-featured Entertainment vertical raises the question of whether improving niche verticals is a good strategy for a search engine that wants to build general search market share.