Crash Course on Facebook Social Plugins

April 28, 2010

Twitter is becoming further integrated into search results, and Bruce, Susan and Virginia start the show by discussing newly released Twitter-based search features. Google introduced Replay It, a feature that lets users zoom into what was being said about a topic on Twitter during specific dates and times. Bing is testing real-time results that include tweets and most-linked-to URLs for the keyword. And Twitter is shaking up its Twitter Search service with the addition of Promoted Tweets. Twitter and its pulse on the public conversation continue to be used in new and interesting ways.

Facebook has also been pushing the boundaries of new and interesting, as last week the network introduced a number of social plugins for developers. Marty Weintraub, president of aimClear Search Marketing, gives listeners a guided tour of the eight new plugins that have the potential to drive engagement and social interaction on a site.

Maintaining a strong social presence online can be an ongoing challenge for any company, but it’s not the only one. A survey of search marketers indicates that link building, keyword research and bid management are the three most challenging aspects of SEM. The show hosts agree that link building is a task that requires a lot of elbow grease and is often neglected because it’s time consuming. Quality content creation isn’t mentioned in the survey results, but maybe it should be, as great content attracts users and links.