Welcome to SEM Synergy
April 16, 2008
Hosts Bruce Clay, Robert Esparza and Susan Esparza introduce you to the brand new WebmasterRadio show SEM Synergy. For some time now, Bruce Clay, Inc. has wanted to launch a show that discusses how SEO, PPC, branding, design and analytics are all parts of a much larger whole. In our experience, a multi-faceted Internet marketing campaign will be exponentially more successful than a campaign that employs only one aspect. In adding to the conversation, we look forward to expert guests coming on the show to give their insight on a variety of Internet marketing aspects.
At ad:tech San Francisco, many of these aspects are sure to gain attention, such as online video, local and mobile search, and branding in advertising. Susan will be liveblogging a number of sessions, so be sure to check out the Bruce Clay blog for all the highlights.
Finally, our hosts will spend some time covering the latest industry headlines. Google has been dominating the news with the dancing SERPs of the Dewey update, its intent to sell off the Performics search marketing company, and its whopping share of the online advertising market through the DoubleClick acquisition.